As part of The 5 & Dime’s commitment to create more accessible and inclusive leadership that represents the entire Jacksonville community, we are inviting anyone who wants to become more involved to volunteer on a committee.
Finance & Development Committee: The work of the committee revolves around establishing specific fundraising targets, identifying funding sources, developing an action plan, tracking grants and donations, and setting ticket prices.
Governance Committee: The work of the committee revolves around board roles and responsibilities, composition, knowledge, effectiveness, and leadership.
Marketing & Outreach Committee: The work of the committee revolves around promoting the theatre, creating and maintaining partnerships, identifying special events, facilitating educational programming, and analyzing programming.
Committees meet 6 - 12 times per year, plus occasional work outside those meetings as needs arise.
The Board of Directors relies on committee work to achieve short- and long-term goals for the organization. Volunteer committee members are also prime candidates for future board positions.
Won’t you join us? If you are interested, please complete the application here: The 5 & Dime Committee Application